CEDA was established in 1980. Its objective has always been to provide professional and comprehensive services in engineering design and construction management (with emphasis on structure). Our track records involve wide range of projects, from residential building, office building, factory, hospital, University to commercial complex. In every project, we pay full attention to all aspects of works to make sure of our effective contribution. We do not wait but actively acquire information. We are always alert and ready to response. Our services from the very beginning to project completion contribute to the successful and efficient performance of all relatively concerned parties. After project completion, we consistently provide professional services on building retrofit, repair, and modifications. These principles are strictly observed to control our high service standard and client satisfaction.
Ever since the establishment, economic, safety, and practicality are our main concerns. With our experiences, we do realize the importance of the structure on project cost and schedule. The most appropriate system will be carefully considered for any particular area. The design will be based on internationally accepted standards and local regulations. All professional services shall be provided through design optimization with proper specifications.
Time, cost, and quality of construction can be efficiently controlled by proper team work. We normally supervise and manage our designed project. With this policy, co ordinations between contractors and designers can be greatly simplified, and problems during construction can be solved quite efficiently. This results in high quality construction management..
With an appropriate structural system assigned by experienced engineer, analysis and design can be performed by using state-of-the-art structural engineering software such as ETABS, SAFE, PLAXIS, ADAPT, MIDAS and TEKLA Structural Designer. This design facility help us work efficiently with a highly complex structure concerning variety loadings such as gravity, wind and earthquake, etc.